The gun debate continues... - some very common sense thinking, and notice all events handled without injury. - brings up the question of guns onboard or not for debate.
As always, it is up to the owner and captain of the vessel as to the methods of providing security for the vessel. We will do our best to insure the captain/owner are educated on the risks and benefits of their actions. And provide alternatives, if necessary.
A Follow up to an earlier posting
A Follow up to an earlier posting
Further Information on recent "yacht hijack" off Somalia
Ecoterra International report today (Sunday 28 December) with some clarification concerning the attack reported below on 17 December.
It has become clear now that the private but commercially used tourist-motor yacht had Yemeni coastguard officers contracted as ship-riders. The officers opened fire on an approaching skiff after radio-warnings were not adhered to and the skiff maintained a collision course even after course adjustments made by the yacht. The skiff after several shots were fired then turned away and didn't return, while the yacht - after dropping the guards at a Yemen border-port - proceeded undisturbed to Salalah in Oman.
See the original report below.
NAIROBI, Dec 17 (Reuters)
Reuters report that pirates have hijacked a yacht in the Gulf of Aden, the third ship to be taken within 24 hours off Somalia despite the presence of international navies.
"I know that a yacht was taken on Tuesday night. There were two people on board but we have no other information on that case," Andrew Mwangura of the Kenyan-based East African Seafarers Assistance programme.
Pirates also hijacked an Indonesian tugboat used by French oil company Total off the coast of Yemen and a Turkish cargo ship on Tuesday, Mwangura said.
A surge in hijackings in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean this year has earned Somali gunmen millions of dollars in ransoms, hiked shipping insurance costs and sent foreign navies rushing to patrol the busy shipping lanes off Somalia.
More information as we receive it.
A holistic view on Seacurity
Security is part of the lifestyle we lead. A great example was pointed out twice this month, once at and in Houseboat magazine (Dec 2008) - both dealing with live-a-boards and the safety/security they can provide, as a neighborhood watch type function, and to help with immediate safety events (weather related and manmade). Be sure to get to know your neighbors.
Along the same lines is this posting from Boat Security and Safety Blog -
Have a Happy New Year.
Last Minute NEW YEARS charters available
PACIFIC WAVE - 72' Sloop

Designer/Builder: Giorgetti & Magrini/Yacht Officine Pesaro SRLBANDERA - 57' Hinckley Yawl
Currently located Guadeloupe or Antigua
Max Number Of Guests: 6
Accommodation Description: Master Cabin has 2 double berths ensuite. Two Twin upper/lower cabins both ensuite. Fully Air Conditioned w/controls in cabins.- Molton Brown products, new luxury Egyptian Cotton Sheets & Waffle Gowns & Slippers.
Book New Years at the regular winter 2008-09 charter rates.
Plus -- Winter Special of 8 days for the price of 7 for the rest of the winter season!All inclusive except bar/beverages, local cruising taxes/fees, dockage and communications for 8 days..
- $16,000 for 2 guests
- $17,000 for 4 guests
- $18,000 for 6 guests
View Brochure: CLICK HERE

Currently located in St MartinFEARLESS - 72' Goetz/Alden Sloop
Max Number Of Guests: 4
Accommodation Description: En suite master is forward with a double berth & single upper Pullman bunk. Guest cabin has upper/lower singles and shares a head/shower with the crew.
RATES: Christmas / New YearRATES: Winter 2008-09:
- $13,500 for 2 guests & $14500 for 4 guests
All inclusive except bar/beverages, local cruising taxes/fees, dockage and communications
- $11,500 for 2 guests $12500 for 4 guests
View Brochure: CLICK HERE

Currently located in St. Lucia and available from 29thGENESIS - 47' Catana Catamaran
Max Number Of Guests: 6
Accommodation Description: 3 en suite queen-bedded cabins with a single pullman each.
FEARLESS is offering a holiday special of 9 days for the 7-day at the normal winter price of $21,500 plus all expenses.
View Brochure: CLICK HERE

Currently located in GrenadaLELANTA - 80' Marconi Staysail Schooner
Max Number Of Guests: 2
Accommodation Description: One of the hulls dedicated to the guest. King berth in aft cabin and oversized bath head/shower
RATES: Christmas / New YearRATES: Winter 2008-09
- $9,900 for 2 guests, All-Inclusive
View Brochure: CLICK HERE
- $8,900 for 2 guests, All-Inclusive

Currently located in VISAFARI - 62' performance Catamaran
Max Number of Guests: 4
Accommodation Description: Aft Cabin w/queen bunk. 2 forward cabins w/ upper/lower single bunks.
RATES: Winter/Christmas New Years 2008-09All inclusive except bar/beverages, local cruising taxes/fees, dockage and communications
- $14,000 for 2 guests & $16000 for 4 guests
View Brochure: CLICK HERE

Currently located in St MartinContact us NOW : CLICK HERE
Max Number Of Guests: 6
Accommodation Description:3 large private cabins w/queen berths. One of these cabins also has a full size single berth. One cabin has a child's berth.
RATES: Winter/Christmas/New Year 2008-09All inclusive except bar/beverages, local cruising taxes/fees, dockage and communications
- $17,500 for 2 guests
- $18,500 for 4 guests
- $19,500 for 6 guests
View Brochure: CLICK HERE
Visit our website:
Happy Holidays!
Bob & Sheila
Christmas in Marmaris ..... Dec 2008
****There's not too many places on a yacht to put the Christmas decorations, but we do our best, inside and out!!!!!!****
Merry Christmas everybody
After a very busy month back in New Zealand and a record breaking 55 1/2hour trip from Auckland back to Balvenie things have been a little slow on board since my arrival back, I suspect they were a little slow during my absence also!!!
It is Christmas Eve, the Christmas emails have all finally been dispatched, if you missed out it must be because we have lost your email because we have sent plenty. Tonight we go down to YachtMarine, the other marina here in Marmaris, to join several friends for a pot luck dinner. We will have to tuck up warm as it is forecast to go down to 2c overnight, goodness me it must be snowing somewhere close by. The days are still mainly sunny, so ok out of the wind but it certainly does have that winter feel to it and after no winter for 5 years it is quite an adjustment for us.
Marmaris is a different place now to the rowdy tourist town of mid summer, there is not a fat tattooed belly or an oversized body bulging out of undersized clothes with bright pink sunburned skin to be seen. Thankfully in winter Marmaris reverts to a pleasant, laidback, provincial town with the locals just going about their business, it's really quite a nice place to spend some time.
Somali Pirate Article in Newsweek
As always, be aware and attentive of your surroundings. Don't be paranoid, be aware. - Newsweek - The Evil Solution
Long time, no post... sorry
Unfortunately, there are no WiFi hotspots for Simpson Bay, Sint Maarten where we are anchored. I don't understand what nobody offers this service as lots of boats anchor outside of the lagoon.
So, right now we are using WiFi at internet cafes, MacDonald's, Bubble Tea, The Mailbox... so we are not posting as often. We plan to go to Marigot on the French side of St. Martin soon and we should be able to get WiFi there.
Anyway, we are still here so please visit our website:
and send us an email if you would like our assistance on a yacht charter on a barge vacation on the European canals:
Happy Holidays!
A long absence...
The business is starting to come along, the day job has been hectic, all good things.
Here are a couple of links for you - drop me a comment and let me know what your concerns are.
FBI wants your assistance
Pirates take second yacht off Somalia
Marine Magellan Insight GPS
A busy month in Auckland ... Nov/Dec 2008
After the huge relief of actually getting to Istanbul airport in time to make my connection on Emirates to Dubai and onwards, the following 24 hours just floated by in a haze. Emirates have just opened their new terminal at Dubai aiport which wasn't such a bad place to spend 5 hours and besides being served dinner when my watch said it was 6.30am, the onward flight via Melbourne was uneventful. After a quick stockup at Auckland dutyfree, my pack was already waiting on the luggage belt, then straight through customs and immigration, don't you just love Auckland airport. It is always so nice coming through to a great welcome and a big group hug.
Over the next couple of weeks the days were filled to the brim. Mum had done a great job and had already started packing, we had boxes stacked everywhere. We needed to sort out the "what is to be sold/given away or thrown away pile" and this took priority. We took photos of everything to go and loaded them all at my sister Denise's (faster internet access) on to which is New Zealand's answer to Ebay. It is absolutely amazing what people buy, and I think we had only one item out of 28 that didn't sell. We also had a garage sale that we advertised in the Saturday NZ Herald, the cars started turning up by 7am and it was all over with only a handful of things left by 11am netting a few hundred dollars to go towards purchases for their new apartment.
We went out on several shopping excursions, with Christmas fast approaching and a recession in full swing there were many bargins to be had, and we made sure we got every single one of them!!! Mum and Dad's new kitchen is fitted out with lovely new brushed stainless applicances and ended up costing 1/3 of budget due to some very diligent shopping, might have taken a little longer but literally saved many hundreds of dollars. The best thing is they just look fabulous.
Change of addresses, lots for Mark and I and plenty for Mum and Dad took over a day, along with organizing final readings, cancelling direct debits for utilities, setting in place new accounts. We were surprised at the time everything took when you sat down to do it all in one go. Eventually things came together, all the boxes sat neatly in the garage and moving day arrived. Of course it rained, no surprise there, but not too much and things didn't get too wet, the delivery company was excellent and all went to plan.
After a few days of unpacking and trying to make a 3 bedroomed home fit into a 2 bedroomed apartment we started to get on top of things. Shelves were purchased and fitted, all the pictures and mirrors went on to the walls and slowly but surely it has become their home and long may they enjoy it.
Mum and Dad's apartment is in the brand new Edmund Hillary Retirement Village in Remuera, they have built a range of accommodations suitable for all situations and Mum and Dad's is a self contained apartment on the 4th floor with a lovely view out over the gardens and across to One Tree Hill. There are beautifully manicured communal gardens, a bowling green, swimming pool, spa, gym, pitch n putt, free bus excursions, complimentary morning and afternoon tea daily (with hot scones!) and weekly happy hour complimentary also. Better than being in a marina, we don't get the free happy hours!!!! There is also onsite care and support if required and it's all secure and safe. We are very happy now knowing they will be safe and with loads of other people to enjoy life with.
The days flew by, I didn't take nearly as many walks along our beautiful Tamaki Drive in the sunshine as I would have liked, but Denise and I squeezed in as much as we could, always having the excuse of taking Poppy for a walk. My month was up before I knew it, I had achieved what I went home to do so it was a very successful, if short, trip.
With my backpack and dayback jammed to capacity with yummy huge Christmas Cake and Mince tarts fresh out of Denises oven, lots of boat bits (of course), a new laptop - well they have funny keyboards in Turkey, christmas presents, honey and marmite my pack weighed in at 22.1Kilos, not, I thought, unreasonable when the allowance is 20k. But what would I know, the Customer Service lady at checkin said I needed to take 2.1kilos out. Shame they didn't give me a credit on my outbound when it weighed 9.8k but it doesn't seem to work quite like that. So by taking the laptop out of the daypack I then had 800g I could put in there, mmmm still 1.3k overweight. You are allowed 7kg hand luggage plus laptop plus handbag, now my handbag is tiny so the 1.3k couldnt go in there. By this time I was losing my sense of humor so tried one last thing, I pointed out to the check in lady that I was the lightest person in the queue and that should count but what I would do was take out 1.3k of clothes and stand there and put them all on and that would be that. At last, after about 15 minutes, she agreed that everything could stay as is and we completed my check in. Personally I thought this was a total waste of time, it was all coming with me, one way or another, and in total I was not overweight. I must add that she was very nice during this whole incident and really was trying to help but they had obviously been briefed that day and no excess baggage was to sneak through.
And so the journey back to Balvenie commenced. Auckland to Melbourne then the biggie nonstop through to Dubai. If you are on Emirates and your connection is over 8hours in Dubai you get a free hotel with transfers and meal vouchers. My stopover was just over 8 hours but by the time you clear customs, find the transfer desk, wait for the transfer, check in, go to your room, have a shower, zoom down for a quick meal there was only 3hours left before the transfer back again. Still I am not ungrateful and 3 hours snoozing horizontially is certainly better than none. They transfer you back at Dubai aiport 3 hours before the next flight so lots of time to kill. There is free internet outside departure gate 123, this is a very long walk from the new terminal 3 but gave me something to do (about 10minutes each way). Some of the departure lounges have chairs with attached footrests that are reasonably comfortable to stretch out, there were lots by gate 201.
Finally I arrived in Istanbul, about 1/2hour late so pleased I hadn''t booked the flight to Dalaman which was a very tight connection. I caught the subway to the bus station, straight forward enough and can take trolley right to top of escalator above platform. The bus station is all outdoors and it was very cold and wet. I had not booked the bus in case something changed with my flight, big mistake, it was Saturday night and the end of a week long Muslim holiday, all the buses were full. I finally managed to get the last seat on an extra midnight service with Pammukale Coaches, just another 5 hours to wait then a 13hour bus trip. I called Mark with my eta and waited. The good news is it got in 1 1/2hours early so I jumped in a cab and was back to Mark before he left to meet me. Total time door to door was 55 1/2hours, phew. Skipper had been working hard Balvenie was gleaming inside and out, it's good to be back to the two of them.