I was thinking back the other day, trying to remember my first exposure to Farr Yacht Design. It seems that the memory I keep coming back to is the Annapolis stopover of the 2001/2002 Volvo Ocean Race. I remember going from boat to boat with my father and learning about each design. I started to notice a similarity among quite a few. What was this Farr Yacht Design?
To sum up my internship in just a few words, it was great! Sure, school teaches you the basics and how to learn. But the real learning does not start until you get your hands dirty. Everyone at FYD is extremely nice and patient. What impressed me the most is the collective knowledge in the office. It seemed as if every question raised was met with a confident and well thought out answer.
My time at FYD flew by. Whether it was working on weight calcs or participating in conceptual design, it was a pleasure working in the office. I cannot express how much I learned in my short time there. In the future I know I will look at designs differently, as I now realize just how much time, thought and energy go into each and every one.
-Emerson Smith, Naval Architect & Former Intern