Update from the Atlantic Cup

Update from Mark and Janel Seier on Nana Maria in this years Atlantic Cup. Members Fred Finlayson and Jim Fogg are on board as crew.

As I write this we are now 500 miles south of Bermuda...

Our race began on Saturday at noon. We had an early morning weather briefing that told us we should expect very light east wind. Sounded good to us so off we went. The nice calm easterlies lasted long enough for us to launch our spinnaker (the huge colorfull sail) and then see the wind pick up to 20 knots. Such not a good thing as these sails are meant to be flown in very light air. They are made from rip stop nylon. One of the lines got caught in a block and exploded. The spinnaker was now free flying and going to be very hard to get down. Thank goodness we had the crew we had as there quick thinking avoided a major disaster.

The light wind was a thing of the past and we had high winds and seas for all of Saturday and Sunday. To say it felt like we were in a washing machine was putting it mildly.. I get sea sick at the best of times and this trip was no exception. I finally found my sea legs late yesterday...

Today is a much better day for us all. The wind has died, the seas are flat and we are TRUCKING toward Bermuda. We have cleaned ourselves , cleaned the boat, fixed the sail and the bimini. Fozzie is a happy camper and is also back on his food. The things we do to that poor dog..... The only thing that could make the day perfect is to catch a fish, I am working on that though... with any luck we will have Mahi Mahi for supper tonight.. More later...

Janel, Mark and the Foz

If you want to monitor their progress you can check it out the web-site http://www.carib1500.com/ac/index.htm and check out The Rally From the Caribbean their positions. Boat Name is Nana Maria.