(1 serving for either Trevor or Keith Holmes)
2 Large Eggs
1 Tablespoon of Cheese
1 Tablespoon or so of any other ingredient you like in your omelette (like bacon or onion) - Optional
1 Small Ziploc Bag
1 J24, with single burner butane portable stove
Crack eggs right into the small Ziploc bag. Add the cheese and any option ingredients you like. Seal the bag, squish the ingredients to mix. "Burp" the air out.
Bring a medium-sized pan of water to a heavy boil.
Drop Ziploc baggie into the boiling water. Boil for 5 minuntes.
Carefully, remove baggie from the water. Open the bag and roll the Omelette onto a plate. YUM !
Gently pass the competed Omelette to Trevor or Keith Holmes, be sure to count fingers as they where very hungry. Everyone had a hot breakfast!
As of August 2006, the ZIPLOC company does NOT recommend using their bags to boil food. ZIPLOC brand Bags are made from polyethylene plastic with a softening point of approximately 195 degrees Fahrenheit. When exposed to boiling water, the plastic could begin to melt.