BLITHE SPIRIT available for Easter week 2009

BLITHE SPIRIT has had a 2-week cancellation and is now available from April 4-23, 2009. This means that they are open for Spring Break / Easter.

Charter Blithe Spirit 2 with

Blithe Spirit is a 52-foot Irwin ketch, owned and operated by Michel and Dominique, a French-Canadian couple which cook fabulous meals. We love to be invited over to Blithe Spirit for dinner as they are wonderful people and we always have a great time. Superb chocolate mousse!

Read a couple of comments from previous guests we've had aboard Blithe Spirit: CLICK HERE

View BLITHE SPIRIT's online brochure: CLICK HERE

Blithe Spirit does have a few other open spots on their calendar, so contact Paradise Connections for more info: CLICK HERE

Visit our web site: