What is the problem?
Recent initiatives aimed at improving air quality have negatively impacted many boaters. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires the use of oxygenated gasoline to improve air quality. Many regions use Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE), but ethanol is replacing it in many areas due to its own environmental problems. MTBE has links to cancer and easily leaks into groundwater aquifers. Ethanol use as a powerboat fuel can cause a number of headaches including fiberglass fuel tank failure, fuel system blockages, engine damage, and increased fuel contamination.
Read more: "Ethanol Fuel Problems for Boaters: Issues Plague Boats in the Switch to Ethanol Fuel Mixtures | Suite101.com" - http://boatingsailing.suite101.com/article.cfm/ethanol_fuel_problems_for_boaters#ixzz0HHr1alRe&A