Welcome to the amazing world of superyachts!
For those interested in super yachts and are sensible enough to own and operate an Apple iPhone there is a great new application that now that I have tested it, I am happy to review positively.
It is called Yachts and it is available for very little cash from the iTunes store.
It lists 50 of the largest yachts in the world and details each with a picture and all the relevant information the super yacht spotter seeks, including all the specifications for each yacht as well as an insight into who actually owns it.
Many of the pictures are supplied by superyachtphoto.com a division of the ever reliable team at superyachttimes.com
I was unhappy with this app on its first outing because it kept crashing but having extensively tested version 1.1 I am now happy to recommend it
To get your own version by paying for it, go to iTunes or click this link. To get one free, comment on this blog because I have been given a very small number of promotional codes to give away and those will be issued on a first come first served basis. All you have to do is ask.