LOWISA 45 Advance Registration is now open on the website till July 1st via PayPal. Registration goes up by $25 after the deadline. Every boat registering online get a free Mount Gay Hat or Shirt. www.lowisa.org will provide you with all the information you need. Sailing instructions, courses, event schedules, photographs of past events, and links to sites of interest can be found there. If you do not want to use PayPal, email us at sailowisa@gmail.com and we can provide you with details on paying by check.
LOWISA Refer a Friend Contest. Convince a friend who has not participated in the past three years, to join LOWISA as a Racer or Cruiser and we will enter your name in a draw for free registration. Email us at saillowisa@gmail.com with your boat name and the boat name of your new recruit. Good luck!
LOWISA Youth Program. We would like to thank a new sponsor, Magnus & Buffie Charted Accountants, for their help in establishing the new LOWISA Youth Program. As part of this exciting program, boats skippered and crewed by sailors 18 years and younger will have their LOWISA registration reduced to $100. Email us at saillowisa@gmail.com to register.
The LOWISA Arctic Glacier Youth Dinghy Regatta will be hosted out of RLWYC on Sunday, August 1st. RLWYC has generously offered Optis and 420s for participants that don’t want to transport their own boats. It’s free to enter, great food and beverages will be provided at no cost, and the racing and camaraderie promise to be terrific. Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions will be posted on www.lowisa.org.
Cruise Week For those traveling to Lake of the Woods for LOWISA and want to extend their time on the lake, Cruise Week will be taking place from July 23rd to July 30th. Historically this event has been organized by LOWISA, but for the past few years Northern Yacht Club has taken responsibility for hosting this wonderful week on the lake. Stay tuned, we will email out updates as we have more details. Registration and information will be available on the Northern Yacht Club website in June. Click for a slide show of last year’s Cruise week, and imagine the fun you will have…
Trophies Those with trophies from last year, please remember to bring them back and drop them off at registration. If you are not able bring them, please email us at saillowisa@gmail.com and we will make arrangements to get them prior to registration. We need your help. We’re still missing a few trophies. If you know the whereabouts of one, or have one, please let us know.
Visit us at www.lowisa.org, find us on Facebook "saillowisa", email at saillowisa@gmail.com.