It occurs to me that I may not have properly introduced our crew to you.
We are quite lucky to have the same 3 men on board today that we had intended to have on 11/1, when the race was officially supposed to start. Quite a few boats had to find new crew members or go without since so many folks could not afford the extra week of vacation time. Our 3 crew members were generous enough with their time and patience to rebook their flights and wait it out with us.
Ed (aka Eddie) is my cousin Mary Jane’s husband. He is a quiet, very thoughtful man. He and Mary Jane live in rural Pennsylvania on a large wooded property. Ed has a framing and art shop. I frequently find him sitting sketching something that he has seen that has moved him.
George (aka George) is a new friend. He volunteered to risk his life with us after we sent out a crew solicitation through the Herrington Harbour Sailing Club. He and his Paula and their 3 kids (Paul, Isabel and Sara) live in Great Falls VA. He too is quiet man, as well as trusting—he actually let Paula make the trip from Herrington Harbour to Hampton with us-- apparently the one sail he had with us did not scare him enough to tell her otherwise.
Jim (aka Fogger) is a friend of Mark and Janel’s of Nana Maria. He is an enthusiastic racing-style sailor with a big bold laugh and a stubborn streak—he has yet to put on his harness.
All of these guys have been great. They’ve helped us get the boat as well equipped and well repaired as possible. They have been totally patient and positive and the delay and the trip itself. We are really, really lucky to have them onboard. And we’re just as grateful to their wives and significant others and business colleagues who have had to do without them and readjust their own schedules because of the delay. I hope they all enjoy the experience. I’ve attached a BEFORE picture of us all. We’ll see if we’re just a chipper in a few days when you get the AFTER picture.
We are currently just south of Virginia Beach, about 5 miles off shore.
More later.