They became first-time grandparents on Monday... CONGRATULATIONS!
Here's a photo with Vince and his new grandchild... More details later!
UPDATE: It's a girl! Emily Brooke, weighing in at 8-lb. 2-oz
Linda says that they are trying their best to spoil her before they return to the Virgin Islands in October.

Drumbeat is one of our favorite charter yachts. Drumbeat is a 72/65-foot Irwin with a crew of three: Owner-Operators Vince & Linda, and their popular crewmember, Kirk! Vince is a dive instructor and offers 5 dives/week including gear, also for "Resort" divers.
You can see our other posts by typing "Drumbeat" in the search box above, or click this link:
View Drumbeat's online brochure: CLICK HERE
Contact Paradise Connections to charter Drumbeat: CLICK HERE
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