In the latter part of April, Kerry shared an email she'd received from Lisa with us... Here's the gist of it:
"...Rich went kite surfing today, had a great old time, till he got hit by a gust, hurled in the air and landed rather badly. I took him to hospital and he has broke his knee, fractured the entire bottom bit, from top of knee down! He is scheduled for surgery in the morning. I have just left him at the hospital, we have just arrived at auckland, I now have to sort out taking van and everything back, but he is going to be potentially non weight bearing for 3 months and it could take up to 12 months till he is properly better."

"And for those who want an update on Richies knee, they are still in Auckland and I believe flying back to England in another week or so, where, as you can probably tell by the xray, he will have a long recuperation, and they have warned that a year from now he will have to have the pins taken out so it will make it easier to do a knee replacement in the future! Gulp! I am not seeing him climbing around boats for quite awhile with that, so I am busy trying to suck up to my crew members so THEY stay and work (of course, they love me, so I hope I don't have to work too hard at that!) Best of luck Richard..."
We wish you a speedy recovery Richard. We're thinking of you, too, Lisa. Hang in there!