Troy of course is also home to the legend of the Trojan Horse, originally told by Homer, many many moons ago. In short Priam was the king of Troy. His son Paris was asked by Zeus to judge the world's first beauty contest at Mt Ida. Aphrodite, Hera and Athena were the contestants and all tried to bribe Paris to name them as the winner. He chose Aphrodite who promised that the fairest woman in the world could be his. Paris left for Sparta to see Helen, then the fairest woman in the world. They fell in love and eloped back to Troy, Helen's husband Menelaus thought Paris had abducted Helen and was not too happy about this at all. He gathered his armies and attacked Troy, thereby starting the Trojan war which went for 10 years. Odysseus thought up a cunning plan, and had Menelaus and troops look to retreat, and as a leaving gift and acknowledgement of the Trojans winning left behind a huge wooden horse. After the troops had gone the Trojans took the horse inside the city walls. However that night the warriors who were hidden inside the horse got out, opened the city gates, and Menelaus' awaiting hidden armies attacked and Troy was taken.
And while we sit in Ghetto the wifi cafe and look out to sea, not one but two submarines just went by. Of course they had more than just periscopes up or we wouldn't have seen them, but they just had the dome bit at the top showing, we haven't seen subs underway before. Then a even better surprise, up pops Tony and Lynn off Tactical Directions, they had just received a general mailout email from us saying we were in Canakkale and had just arrived themselves by car this afternoon, enroute from Istanbul back to the boat in Marmaris. The harbour and cafe area is compact and they tracked us down, well done. What a great surprise, we haven't seen Tony since October and it was great to meet Lynn. We probably won't cross wakes this year cruising, but we hope maybe again next year!!
Sightseeing Info:
Dolmus from under Sari River bridge (as per LP map) In weekend 10am, 11.30am, 1pm, 2.30pm, weekdays more regulary. 4Lira p/p each way. About 30 minutes.
Entrance fee to Troy 15Lira p/p
Other Info:
See previous update on the Southern Battlefields, all info on Canakkale there