Just Because it is Free It does not mean it's Bad
If you are reading this blog it must mean you are interested in super yachts either because you own one or are working in a field associated with them.
Super yachting maybe expensive industry but there is one very valuable item that is completely free
Subscription to the industry magazine SuperYacht Business and its associated weekly newsletter is completely free to industry associates.
Given that we write regularly for the magazine you might think we are bound to say that but the fact is we truly believe it is a great read.
So go ahead click on the link below and subscribe. What can you loose when it is free and a good read?
To get your own, free subscription to SuperYacht Business magazine and get every issue, register at http://www.ibinews.com/ibinews/syb/sybsubs.html
To get your own, free subscription to SuperYacht Business weekly newsletter and get every issue, sent to you by e mail go online and register in the newsletter box at: http://www.ibinews.com/ibinews/syb/index.htm