This petition is available to sign at the Northern Harbour Boat Club and at the shop if people are interested.
When Ontario’s 13% harmonized sales tax (HST) comes into effect on July 1, 2010, the 8% provincial sales tax (PST) will be combined with the 5% good and services tax (GST). The ‘harmonized tax’ of 13% will cover a wide range of services previously exempt from Ontario PST. This basically means that Ontario boaters will pay 13% instead of 5% on almost all marine services. We estimate that OMOA member boaters will pay an additional $20,000,000 per year in taxes.
The government does not fully understand the impact of the implementation of the HST, especially the impact on businesses like yours. OMOA is taking a proactive approach on your behalf to stop the HST. We are circulating the attached petition and asking for your assistance. It is imperative that you as a marina operator inform your boaters of the effects that the HST will have upon them. Some items boaters will begin paying an extra 8% on include and are not limited to:
- Dockage, mooring
- Repair services
- Marine surveyor services
- Legal services
- Safety equipment
- Brokerage sales fees
- Winter storage
- Launching and haul out
- Mast stepping
- Holding tank pump out,
- Fuels (gas, oil, diesel)