Today was my first day on site in Cartahegna Spain with the Roma GP42 team. The team has really bitten off quite a bit in their attempt to win the Medcup. Not all of the areas of focus are ones that I would have chosen but I’m doing my best to support the team in this last event.
We started off today working on the boat in the yard finishing off several jobs and giving the boat a quick wet sand. As is usually the case in the yard the hours ticked by and we got into the water quite late. The first thing I noticed as we motored out was that there seemed to be plenty of breeze for a “light air” venue. Sure enough 18-20 knots TWS built into 20+ with a nice short wave pattern. We looked a few new sails, and had a great run back into the harbor area.
Unfortunately we have a few self inflicted wounds resulting from last minute projects that really shouldn’t have been on our docket anyway. We also have a dead engine which made maneuvering into the harbor difficult. Long night ahead I’m afraid.
Tomorrow we have our practice race which should be good fun. Hopefully we start off fresh again with everything fixed. We’ll have to see about the weather at our “light air” venue.
Patrick Shaughnessy