Many don’t think about alarming their boat until there is some activity in the area where the boat is kept, provoking a concern. At that point they scramble to protect their vessel and its equipment, and end up paying way too much for a system that was designed for a residential application. These modified home alarms, will never stand up to the harsh marine environment they are expected to function in and have only basic features built into them.
A true marine alarm is built from the ground up with purposeful design. They are enclosed in NMEAIII enclosures, protecting them from the damp marine environment. The devices are encased in epoxies, have potted electronics, they operate on the 12/24 VDC systems that the boats supply. The marine systems draw minimal amperage so that they can be used when the vessel is traveling without shore power.
You can remotely control all the features of your system from PC or cell phone, such as arming/disarming, turning lights and appliances on/off etc…
There is an array of available alarm devices such as contacts for hatches and doors, canvas snap detectors, deck and ladder pressure sensors and motion sensors, to protect from unwanted visitors. All are offered in hardwired versions and licensed frequency wireless devices for the hard to wire vessel.
A marine security system also supervises your vessel.
When you purchase a marine alarm system, supervising your vessel is an added feature that residential alarm systems can’t provide.
Since your vessel has no telephone lines or cables ran to it, you will monitor your boat alarm through cellular SIM cards or satellite and IP (internet protocol).
Boat security systems are monitored directly by the boat master via text message, voice reporting, internet and two way voice and listen in capabilities.
Your boat security system will monitor and report loss of shore power, high and low temperatures in your engine room and cabin, high water in your bilge (if your bilge pump should fail), smoke and fire and unannounced guests boarding.
There is an available option to look inside and around your vessel from anywhere in the world via PC or Java enabled device (you can pan and tilt the cameras). During a system violation video is stored on an off vessel server for your retrieval and review.
You can also add vessel tracking to your system, which will report all vessel movement by course, speed and heading until you disarm it remotely.
Are these systems affordable?
You will be amazed at how affordable these systems are! They can be modulated, so you purchase just the level of features you are interested in, and can be added to easily at any time. Many are virtually plug and play as they come preprogrammed from the distributer. They can all be installed easily by the handy boat owner or his/her favorite mechanic. Join us at http://www.MarineGuardSecurity.com/ to learn all about these marine grade security and supervisory systems. I make myself always available to answer all of your questions and support you, as your personal consultant. I look forward to helping you find the perfect system for you and your vessel.
The above was posted to the Marine Guard Facebook page. As the distributor for the Tampa Bay area, I thought it was worth posting here. I have received reports over the last couple of months of a 41' and a 51' yacht being taken from behind the residents' home. with such a high value asset, protection should be seriously considered. The Marine Guard systems will provide a deterrent to the theft, and will provide a means for a speedy recovery. Contact me for more information on protecting your vessel.