Opening Cruise!

Saturday was a great day at the club, with great conditions for our Opening Cruise and Octoberfest! We had an impressive turnout of 26 boats on the water, ranging from the smallest (Stuey Coleman's Dabchick) to some large cruising yachts. Dave Cowley and the Heritage Foundation was present to manage the cannons, ably fired by our Presidents wife, Lorna Turner. Nearly all the boats were adorned with flags, bunting, bugles and even a few water pistols! The Review Group (Commodore, President and Dignitaries were dressed for the occasion on the Discovery Cat) and it was all rather splendid.

Roy McBride was on hand with his trusty Canon G11 (I think it is) and captured the essence beautifully. See the slideshow on the right hand side of the page.

After the sailing, crews all mustered in the clubhouse for a great Octoberfest, with lovely Bratwursts, Draft Hansa, some Oompah music, and eventually far too much wine . . . Not to be forgotten!

Thanks to Roy McBride for the pics!