The Triton - A good source of information for Florida yachtsmen
This month, they remind us of the TWIC deadlines, and a host of other topics.
Highly recommended reading. Part of the job of security is awareness and knowledge, and this is a good place to start.
Somalia still in the news
Folks, there seems to be several stories regarding Somalia and the pirate gangs thereabouts. They seem to be focusing on holding the yacht/ship and crew for ransom, vice stealing the vessel or goods.
Lots of international attention, and implications in some of the cargoes being taken.
One sample link I found interesting:,2933,429663,00.html
Back in Skopea Liman .... Sep 2008
***Mark and Mum in Skopea Liman watching the scenery go by***The partly submerged ruins in Ruin Bay***Mum at the helm under Skippers watchful eye***Out for a morning walk in Ruin Bay, looking across into Wall Bay
Oh dear, at last our amazing spell of months of perfect settled weather has ended, unfortunately this has coincided with the arrival of Mark's Mum Jackie from London, however we are not blaming her!!!!
After a stormy night at anchor in Fethiye with a couple of boats dragging, the weather perked up and we had a nice easy sail back across Fethiye Bay into the sheltered waters of Skopea Liman.
We headed back to Tomb Bay where we had spent a couple of perfect days while Neil and Barbara were on board and anchored back in the same spot. Although the weather has cooled it is still warm enough for swimming and much more pleasant for getting out and exploring
Mum's week was nearly up so we motored in flat seas up to Gocek for her last night in Turkey with us, we were treated to very calm conditions in the anchorage. We went ashore and spent
And then it was time to say our goodbyes. We had a lovely week with Marks Mum onboard, we are sorry she didn't get the picture perfect weather we had been having but as she kept reminding us it was much much better than anything they had experienced in England this summer, it was sunny every day, warm enough to swim and she finally got to experience life on Balvenie, in all its ups and downs!
Anchorage info: All the above were places already visited, see details below under "Fun in the Sun ... Sep 2008 - Cruising Skopea Liman 07-11 Sep 2008
SAVE 20% on Catamaran Charters in October and December 2008

Encore, Moon Shadow, and Wild Thing are still currently available for this special week in October.DECEMBER 9-16, 2008 - BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS
Online brochures:
- ENCORE (50-foot cat / 4 cabins / 2 crew)
- MOON SHADOW (58-foot cat / 4 cabins / 2 crew)
- WILD THING (58-foot cat / 4 cabins / 2 crew)
Encore, Seas the Moment, and Moon Shadow are still currently available for this special week in December.RATES:
Online brochures:
- ENCORE (50-foot cat / 4 cabins / 2 crew)
- SEAS THE MOMENT (50-foot cat / 4 cabins / 2 crew)
- MOON SHADOW (58-foot cat / 4 cabns / 2 crew)
Encore & Seas the Moment:
- Standard rates: 2&3=$13300 / 4=$14308 / 6=$15673 / 8=$17465
- 20% off: 2&3=$10,640 / 4=$11,447 / 6=$12,539 / 8=$13,972
Moon Shadow & Wild Thing:
- Standard rates: up to 6=$19,733 / 7=$20,433 / 8=$21,077
- 20% off: up to 6=$15,787 / 7=$16,347 / 8=$16,862
Visit our web site:
Off out Cruising again ... Sep 2008
***Getting in and out of the dinghy is never easy but Mum mastered it no problem!!!!***Dinner out in Fethiye, spot which meal is on fire***
Marks mum, Jackie, has arrived from London to spend a week with us. It is the first time she has seen Balvenie, so after us being onboard for nearly her 5 years it is quite an occasion.
Yesterday we drove over to Calis Beach while we still had the hire car, and had a look around that part of Fethiye Bay. It's all pretty much tourist hotels and the waterfront is lined with small
Enroute we took in some historical sites and visited the Lycian Tombs behind Fethiye town, passed a couple of sarcopogus and the ancient amphitheatre. Then we took in the weekly market and topped up on all the fresh produce available.
A stay in Fethiye wouldn't be complete without a visit to our favorite little restaurant "Kervan" @ Carsi Cad 36, (the first road after the central market covered area). Tastefully decorated with orange and white satin tablecloths and chair covers and big orange bows, lovely! The food, service and price are great though and we had a lovely evening.
Checking in and out: Our 90days are up so we need to check out of Turkey. All the offices in Fethiye are close together and it was only about an hour of skippers time to complete formalities. Cost for checking out was just 6Lira. We returned and checked back in after a few days, all very quick. Harbour Master 12.50L, Transit Log 77.50L (cheaper than our last one in Finike) and no cost for visas on our NZ passports. All took around an hour.
Enjoy a New England sailing vacation yacht charter this Autumn 2008
There's still time to enjoy a New England sailing vacation this Autumn. Enjoy New England at its best with bright blue skies, fine sailing and uncrowded harbors! These excellent yachts are ready to sail!
Ashlana is a Little Harbor 53. Owner/hosts Tom Hampson & Christie MacConnell are eager to make summer last a little longer with a charter or two before they leave for the Caribbean. Great sailing and a wonderful time to visit Block Island, the Vineyard and Nantucket.MELINKA
Accommodations for up to four guests in two cabins. Master cabin aft has 2 double berths with ensuite head and shower. Guests may choose one of the two forward cabins: The forepeak has 2 lower singles with a filler to make a double, the port forward (crew) cabin has upper/lower singles. The forward head and shower are shared with the crew.
Guests praise Christie's cooking and Tom's sailing skills, and most of all their gracious hospitality.
Summer Rates:
- $10,700/wk for 2 guests, plus all expenses
- $11, 900/wk for 4 guests, plus all expenses
Ashlana is still available for Christmas & New Year charters in the Caribbean
ASHLANA's online brochure: CLICK HERE
MELINKA, an 80-foot Swan, is available for charter out of Newport through October 14 2008.BONNIE LYNN
Accommodations for six in three ensuite cabins with generous twin berths located aft of the salon. The master has twin lower singles, port and starboard guest cabins have upper/lower singles. (No double berths.) Leather upholstery and fine oil paintings lend a 'gentlemen's club' feeling to the salon.
American Captain Forrest Shropshire, the head of MELINKA's international crew, has thirty years' experience sailing the East coast of the US and the Caribbean. Chef Maria Teresa Beddoes grew up on the Channel Island of Jersey and speaks fluent French, Spanish and Portuguese. A second generation professional sailor from Antigua is Mate Jace Hector.
Summer Rates:
- $ 18,500/wk for up to 6 guests, plus all expenses.
Melinka is still available for Christmas & New Year charters in the Caribbean
MELINKA's online brochure: CLICK HERE
BONNIE LYNN, a 72-foot schooner, offers flexible accommodations for 6 in three cabins with double and single berths (two full guest baths).VENTURE
Captains Earl, born and bred in Maine, and Bonnie MacKenzie provide an authentic New England experience. The warm, relaxed atmosphere and Bonnie's wonderful seafood bring guests back time and again. Her "chowda" is not to be missed!
SUMMER RATES: all inclusive, except bar/beverages, dockageBONNIE LYNN's online brochure: CLICK HERE
- $9,500/wk for 2 guests
- $11,000/wk for 4 guests
- $12,000/wk for 6 guests
VENTURE is a beautiful Oyster 62 sloop with a crew of two. Venture accommodates up to 4 guests in 2 cabins.Or, maybe your budget is a bit tight but you would still like to go sailing? We would highly recommend Storm Petrel.
RATE: Plus all expenses
- $14,000/wk for 2 guests
- $15,000/wk for 4 guests
Venture is still available for Christmas & New Years charters in the Caribbean
VENTURE's online brochure: CLICK HERE

We are looking forward to Phil & Laura's return to the Caribbean in November, but you can enjoy their company NOW!You should be able to find something here to fill the bill, tickle your fancy, floats your boat, is your cup of tea... :)
Storm Petrel is a Robert's designed 44-foot Offshore 44 sloop. Phil Levine is the captain and owner of Storm Petrel. His chef/crew is his girlfriend, Laura. Storm Petrel has a queen cabin aft and a V-berth cabin forward. They have an 11-foot dinghy with 15HP motor, windsurfer, hammock, snorkel equipment. Besides enjoying windsurfing, we recently learned that Phil also does kite boarding! In fact he has three kites and a couple of boards on his boat, in addition to his wind surfing gear. Alcoholic beverages are not included in their rates, but will stock with your preferences at cost.
RATE: All inclusive, except bar & dockage
- $4150/wk for 2 guests
- $4900/wk for 4 guests
Storm Petrel is still available for both Christmas & New Years charters in the Caribbean: Virgin Islands
STORM PETREL's online brochure: CLICK HERE
Contact Paradise Connections Yacht Charters to assist you with your sailing vacation: CLICK HERE
Visit our web site:
Charter motoryacht SILVER SEAS - Annapolis/Baltimore Fall 2008
SILVER SEAS is a 107-foot, Pristine Elegant Burger motoryacht and accommodates up to 8 guests in four cabins.
SILVER SEAS is an ideal yacht for an elegant Autumn cruise. Enjoy delicious seafood (especially the famous Bay Crabs!), gorgeous sandy beaches, inland rivers, and historic towns such as Annapolis and the vibrant city of Baltimore.
Captain Tim Merrick and his crew are standing by to welcome you aboard!
- RATE: $38,000/wk plus all expenses, for up to 8 guests
Contact Paradise Connections to book Silver Seas! CLICK HERE
Visit our web site:
Pirates of the Caribbean - Talk Like a Pirate Day


PROMENADE - Lisa & Rich


GODIVA - Marci & Dave
Photos taken by Paradise Connections Yacht Charters
Visit our web site:
Enjoy !!!
Jobs: Armed Security, Louisiana and South Texas
Jobs: Armed Security, Louisiana and South Texas
I got this from Jeff, so thanks. -Head Jundi
As most of you know FEMA has contracted out for security in Louisiana and Texas. here is the requirement I have. They say they will take as many bodies as I can provide. Call me at the office so we can talk. Feel free to share this email with your other contacts.
Armed Security needed for post Hurricane recovery efforts in Louisiana and South Texas. Transportation provided. $1700 week Immediate requires for 30 days, billeting provided as well. Interested parties contact undersigned send me a resume if available in softcopy. Should have a handgun permit or security license from U.S. State or municipality and driver?s license.
James Mattes
Director Special Operations Branch
Metropolitan Protective Service, Inc.
5001 Forces Blvd. Suite 200
Lanham Md. 20706
Phone 301-772-8278/3097/2412
Fax: 301-772-5099
Cell 301-442-2476
MAROLANGA - Additional charter comments
"I meant to mention Sasha in the other message. He was remarkably well behaved and a delight to have as a member of the crew! The boys were never bored and were worn out by bedtime! Sleeping on the trampolines under the stars was the best! Attached are a few pics!
- Steve"

Sasha is a super ship's cat!

Marcella & Gus with the Wilcox kids

Marcella & Gus with the parents.
Thanks again Gus & Marcella for another happy charter. We know we can always depend on you!
View Marolanga's online brochures: CLICK HERE and HERE TOO
Contact Paradise Connections for more information on chartering and to book Marolanga: CLICK HERE
Visit our website:
Watch out for "shady deals"
In the aftermath of the storms on the Gulf Coast, be aware of the market for "great deals:. Have your boat surveyed, and ensure a good ownership check is done. I have a feeling there are people who will attempt to take advantage of the situation.
Ike's victims: "Many hundreds, if not thousands, of vessels sunk"
By IBI Magazine (
A BoatUS catastrophe team coordinator surveying the damage caused by Hurricane Ike told IBI this morning that "many hundreds, if not thousands," of boats were sunk by the winds and tidal surge. Ike roared ashore near Galveston, Texas, last Saturday, and left a path of devastation in marinas along the entire coast.
Officials have closed Galveston, which was hardest-hit, after tens of thousands of residents created a traffic nightmare yesterday while attempting to return to the barrier island southwest of Houston. The Associated Press reported that Texas search and rescue teams have pulled out of Galveston after checking on almost 6,000 people and performing more than 3,500 rescues. Fearing the possible onset of disease, town managers are pleading with residents still holed up in their homes to leave.
Galveston is also a major boating centre. Mike McCook, head of 15 members of the BoatUS catastrophe team on the ground in Texas, says that many hundreds of boats on the island were severely impacted by the hurricane. "If any survived undamaged, I would be surprised," he told IBI.
McCook estimates that "many hundreds, if not thousands" of boats were sunk by last weekend's hurricane. "The damage to boats and marinas is very broad, spread out about 400 miles along the coast," said McCook. "But it also went inland quite a ways, all the way north to Ohio and Pennsylvania, where boats were sunk because of flooding."
McCook says that, beyond Galveston, boating-intensive areas along the coast were also heavily damaged. "I spoke to the manager of the Watergate Marina and he said that of the 1,200 boats in his marina, 300 were sunk," said McCook. "I've also heard that dozens of boats in the Houston Yacht Club in La Porte were badly damaged."
Joel Rubin, owner of the Gulf Coast Marina and Boat Storage facility in Surfside, told IBI that he and his workers had heeded orders, boarded up their dry-stack facility and left town. When they returned, he had a pleasant surprise. "We took minimal damage," said Rubin. "It could've been a whole lot worse."
Rubin said that his building was rated for a category 2 hurricane and withstood the intense winds and surge. But he said that surrounding marinas and bridges did not fare so well. "Just looking at them, I can see they took a pretty good hit," he said.
IBI will provide further coverage as details emerge.
(18 September 2008)
Good news from the Yemeni Government?
More visibility is a good thing in regards to building awareness. I just tend to be a bit leery of great, international efforts.
From the Noonsite news. (
Yemen to establish three regional anti-piracy centers along the Gulf of Aden
The Yemeni government approved on Tuesday 9 September the establishment of three regional centers to combat maritime piracy in the Gulf of Aden and Bab Al-Mandab Strait and to protect international maritime traffic in these areas.
The government declared that the three centers would be established in the port cities of Aden and Mukkalla, on the Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea Port of Hudeidah. They would work to “enhance security and stability in the region and protect different ships from piracy.” report that Yemen will host the second regional meeting on combating piracy on 27-30 October, with 20 countries participating. Diplomatic sources said that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Djibouti, Jordan, Somalia, Comoros, France, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Maldives, The Seychelle Islands, South Africa, Tanzania, Eritrea, Mozambique and Yemen would sign a memorandum of understanding to combat piracy.
Since the beginning of the year, over 34 ships, tankers and yachts have been hijacked in the region of the Horn of Africa and in the Gulf of Aden. Eight of these piracy acts have taken place since July and have aimed to sieze goods and kidnap crews of the ships in order to demand ransom.
For his part, Shuja Al-Deen Mahdi, general director of Coastguard operations, told the Yemen Times that international support for the three new anti-piracy centers would include providing them with equipment, modern liaison devices and boats, as well as new maritime platforms.
“We are in need of international support, especially from Gulf countries, to secure the coast of the Arabian Sea along the Abyan and Al-Mahrah governorates,” said Al-Mahdi, pointing out that most drug-smuggling operations from Africa and Asia cross this area on their way to Gulf countries.
He confirmed that Yemen was “currently unable to secure international navigation routes”, noting that this was despite the Yemeni Coastguard running five anti-piracy centers in Aden, Al-Buraiqah, Ras Amran, Khawr Al-Umrah in the Lahj governorate and in the Shaqrah region of the Abyan governorate.
He maintained that the Yemeni Coastguard Authority needs ten new fighter boats in order to be able to undertake its task properly and stay out at sea for weeks without coming back to the mainland for fuel. He said that the fighter boats available to the Yemeni Coastguard at present are incapable of carrying out long-term maritime tasks.
SHINING STAR Lower charter rates for new season

SHINING STAR is a fully air conditioned, 58-foot DeFever motor yacht which accommodates up to 6 guests in three cabins with ensuite heads; two with full Queen berths, and the other with a Queen V-berth (not bunks as shown in layout diagram).
Shining Star has a 15-foot dinghy with a 60HP 4-stroke motor, waterskis, tube, wakeboard, two-person kayak, fishing gear, snorkel equipment, etc. Mike is a dive instructor and diving is included in their rates for both certified and non-certified divers.
- $10,000/wk for 2 guests
- $11,000/wk for 3 guests
- $12,000/wk for 4 guests
- $13,000/wk for 5 guests
- $14,000/wk for 6 guests
View Shining Star's online brochure: CLICK HERE
Contact Paradise Connections Yacht Charters for more information: CLICK HERE
Visit our web site:
Fatal Attack on French Cruising Couple in Venezuela
A French Catamaran skipper was shot dead during an attack last Sunday night – 14 September – on board his yacht at anchor outside Marina de Caraballeda, situated on the Central Litoral coast between La Guaira and Cabo Codera, Venezuela.
Caracas newspaper "El Universal", report that four robbers attacked French yacht "Chrisalide", using a pirogue to reach the yacht at anchor. In resisting the attack, Skipper Philip Armand Leudiere, age 61, was shot several times in the head. The second crew member on board, Philip’s wife Catherine Marie Therese de Leudiere, remained captive until the robbers had finished their looting, taking an undisclosed quantity of money and equipment.
It appears that the pirogue driver was scared on hearing the shooting down below and fled, leaving the remaining robbers to swim ashore. Mrs de Leudiere alerted police by firing a red flare when the robbers had left. It appears the couple did not hear the robbers board their yacht until they were down below.
This is not the first robbery or attack on a boat near Marina de Caraballeda, which frequently suffers petty theft and occasionally violence towards crews during robberies. However it is the first with this sad outcome.
Alfredo Penso of SV Irie, currently waiting for repairs to be finished to his yacht in Marina de Caraballeda, advises the following; "A note of caution to fellow sailors who visit our waters: Never, under any circumstances, anchor in the bay of Marina de Caraballeda for overnight stays. Please call VHF channel 16 to speak with the Marina Commodore or his assistant (they remain on duty during the daytime) and ask for help in anchoring. They will probably assign you a slip or even allow you to anchor inside the marina where they have security personnel".
Marina de Caraballeda is for public use and state owned and is officially closed for repairs due to the damage suffered during the 1999 land slides. However a lot of boats remain in the marina waiting to finish their repairs.
Sad news.
Our prayers go out to the family and friends.
Good news!
French forces rescued two recently kidnapped yachtsmen in Somalia in the last few days.
I hope we see more efforts like this.Fun in the Sun ... Sept 2008
***Mornings exercise in Tomb Bay, the view from the tomb***View of the tomb in Tomb Bay***Neil and Barbara in Tomb Bay*** ***Balvenie nestled in Wall Bay***
For the first night in a very long time we had wind all night long in our anchorage at Rhodes, a reminder of the excellent conditions we have on the Turkish coast where the sea breeze kicks in late morning and drops generally early evening.
From Rhodes we headed back northeast and had a comfortable downwind sail right back to the bottom of Skopea Liman where the wind dropped away. Never such a bad thing as we then had a chance to charge the batteries, heat the water and most importantly - cool the alcohol. Our first stop back in this excellent cruising ground was Wall Bay. We found a great spot to nestle into, and anchored stern to attaching to bollards provided on the shoreline. Practice is paying off with this stern to anchoring and having extra sets of hands onboard is invaluable, we were tucked up in no time.
The evenings entertainment was provided by the latecomers jostling for the best spots, complete with all the yelling and shouting that normally accompanies anchoring.
We had the next day at leisure enjoying reading, swimming, kayaking and even squeezed in a walk ashore to stretch our legs. There are some ruins just around the corner in Ruin Bay which are partly submerged and you can kayak through the rooms, going in one door and out the other which was fun. That night after onboard Pimms happy hour we patronized the onshore restaurant for dinner and had pre-ordered the roast leg of lamb, served with potato and rice, plus it included breads and dips for entrée and melon for desert. At 35Lira pp it seems about the average price for these rustic cafes that also provide free mooring docks for those that wish to tie up. Most of the market for these places are the charter
Anchorage Info: 36 38.58N 28 51.06E dropped in 20m stern tied to bollards settled in 7m. Very sheltered, a few little gusts only
Another sunny day dawns and after more water activities it’s time to get another sail in. We had lots of fun in Tony's kayaks with exploring and races around the bay. Mark got a little over enthusiastic and actually managed to flip his which Barbara did well to capture on film (see extra photos below!!!) Skipper and crew raise all the sails and it’s a fast ride in flat water across to Fethiye. We have spent so much time in Fethiye now that we are recognised by the restaurant owners when we walk down the street!!! It is a good spot to top up on a few supplies, look around the interesting old town area and eat out.
Anchorage info: apprx 36 37.46N 29 05.82E 13m mainly mud but with some thick spots of weed. The anchorage is comfortable,
We just stayed one night and had another fast sail in flat water, hard on the wind, back across Fethiye Bay into Skopea Liman again, this time we headed for Tomb Bay which came highly recommended and was just beautiful. Two nights there gave us time for more relaxing with Neil and Barbara making the most of the sunshine before heading back to London. The water is still very warm and clear but refreshing, and we even did quite a long walk and climb to explore the Lycian Tombs high above the bay.
Anchorage info: 36 41.64N 28 ?2.00E dropped in 20m, stern tied to one bollard and a tree, settled in 6m, flat water very little wind
We left late afternoon in light winds and motored the few miles to Gocek. It’s only about 20 minutes to Dalaman airport so a good option for drop offs/pick ups. Taxi prices still very expensive though, 45Euro/60Lira one way - everything priced for the shortstay tourist market.
Anchorage info: 36 45.18N 28 56.04E 20-25m good holding. Very busy anchorage with yachts, motor cruisers and gulets. A lot of very fast tender traffic makes for much noise and wash. Try to tuck up in the north east corner as far as poss. New marina being built which will decrease anchorage space even more. Can be exposed in afternoon seabreeze, choppy dinghy ride ashore but calm at night. No wifi but several free ashore (rec Cafe West on front)
We had chosen to pick them up from Marmaris so we could get some good sails in as well. For a week long taste of cruising, sailing, blobbing, swimming, exploring, eating, playing, we think we did about the best mixture you could do around these parts. We really enjoyed Neil and Barbara’s company and had a great time with them onboard. We hope they have gone home with some great memories (besides the blocked toilet – another story on another day!!!!).
Off to Rhodes ... Sept 2008
With Neil and Barbara having been in Turkey now for 2 nights we decided they needed a change of culture so time for a quick dip into Greece with a trip down to Rhodes. It’s less than 30 miles south of Marmaris so makes for a good spot to top up on all those yummy Greek delicacies, pork products and much much cheaper alcohol.
Again we had the anchorage to ourselves, it was a
The walk into town went through the “car repairs” area and we started to question if this had been a good idea. Once we hit the main harbour area – jam packed with 4 cruise ships and found an entrance through the old city walls a new world opened up in front of us. Rhodes town has been around since 408BC, with plenty of wars and sieges to add colour to its history.
The magnificent walled old town has been beautifully restored and is very well maintained. The shopping/eating area is a “cruise ship
We enjoyed a traditional mix of Greek food in a lovely courtyard setting for dinner and ambled back through the rather seedy car repairs area to Balvenie. We never really like leaving her in an anchorage alone with the dinghy on the beach, but both were just where they should be when we got back. Back onboard we cracked open a bottle of Balvenie Doublewood 15 year old Scotch, that Neil and Barbara had spotted ashore and kindly bought for us and ended the excellent evening with a nightcap.
Anchorage info: 36.25.60N 28.14.20E 6m shallows up slowly, sandy bottom off beach. Possiblity of anchoring inside breakwater (unfinished marina?) just north. Over 20knts daytime, around 15knts overnight but comfortable and calm water. Bali Hai advised ok snorkelling off shoal area by breakwater but we didn't investigate
Drumbeat News - First Grandchild - UPDATE
They became first-time grandparents on Monday... CONGRATULATIONS!
Here's a photo with Vince and his new grandchild... More details later!
UPDATE: It's a girl! Emily Brooke, weighing in at 8-lb. 2-oz
Linda says that they are trying their best to spoil her before they return to the Virgin Islands in October.

Drumbeat is one of our favorite charter yachts. Drumbeat is a 72/65-foot Irwin with a crew of three: Owner-Operators Vince & Linda, and their popular crewmember, Kirk! Vince is a dive instructor and offers 5 dives/week including gear, also for "Resort" divers.
You can see our other posts by typing "Drumbeat" in the search box above, or click this link:
View Drumbeat's online brochure: CLICK HERE
Contact Paradise Connections to charter Drumbeat: CLICK HERE
Visit our web site:
Remember, you saw it here first :)
Avast, me hearties!
Catamaran MAROLANGA - Guests Charter Comments
Hi Guys!
Hard to believe it has been 2 months since our trip! We are all still telling friends what a total blast it was. A totally unique vacation experience! The boat was comfortable and Gus and Marcella were wonderful hosts. Very accommodating in every respect. They made every day fun and exciting and the food was awesome. They showed us all the best places and we went where the bigger ship can't, exactly what we wanted.
With their extensive experience in the area, they knew all the best spots. Gus is a very competent and experienced sailor and he made us feel very safe the entire time. Every day was tailored to just what we wanted to do. There was plenty to do for all of us, even if we wanted to do nothing!
We would, without reservation, highly recommend the boat and crew to anyone considering this trip. There are lots of choices available to be sure but we can't imagine having a better time! Gus and Marcella are totally committed to their guests having a great time and they deliver. We plan on doing this again in the coming years.
Thanks for all your help in planning the trip too. The whole process was easy. All we had to do was show up at the marina and the rest was taken care of. How great!
Thanks for everything!
Steve, Barat, Matthew and Mark

Unfortunately (for you!) Marolanga is already booked for Thanksgiving 2008, and this Christmas and New Years, too. They are currently open for Easter and possibly for your kids' spring break depending on dates. Contact us for availability!
View Marolanga's online brochures: CLICK HERE and HERE TOO
Contact Paradise Connections for more information on chartering and to book Marolanga: CLICK HERE
Visit our website:
Dalaman Airport & Marmaris Bay ... Sep 2008
We have my cousin Neil and his wife Barbara arriving onboard at 1am from London so we are getting organised to go sailing for a week with them around the Marmaris/Rhodes/Fethiye area so will update everything when we are back in Fethiye for a couple of days. The sun is still shining and its forecast up to 20 knots and 35degrees today, excellent!!!!!!!
Anchorage Info: 36.49.53N 28.18.85E 12m mud - good holding Little choppy if strong afternoon sea breeze. Closer to Yacht Marine also puts you close to resort (watersports, music etc) Access to Yacht Marine Wifi (no password needed), dinghy ashore to YM. Dolmus to town half hourly 2.50L each, each way. Chanderly, supermarket, showers, toilets, swimming pool and upmarket restaurant at marina.
Dalaman Airport Information … Sept 2008
We decided it was easier to rent a car to go and collect Neil and Barbara from Dalaman airport which is the one airport that covers this whole region. It’s not actually far by boat but it’s around 120 km’s by car so quite a distance. All
Airport info: We got a small car from Koral Travel for 80Lira (special rates now for winter!!!) and needed 50Lira fuel for the journey, petrol is currently 3.40Lira a litre, one of the most expensive in the world. You can organise a transfer through the marina (either Netsel or Yacht Marine) for 65Euro - about 104Lira, I think it will take up to 8 people – cost per transfer not per person, and they have a book you an put your details into. The car was best for us as we got all our heavy shopping done and we wanted to meet them at the airport.
They arrived laden with all sorts of goodies for us, from much needed Marmite for skippers morning toast, Dijon and Colemans Mustard, duty free alcohol and a selection of magazines and papers to get us up to date. Thanks guys!!!
05 September 2008
After a well earned nights sleep and a slow start to the morning we went ashore and dropped off the car keys, said goodbye to Tony off Tactical Directions who flies back to Thailand next week for winter. He has very kindly lent us his 2 kayaks to play with until we go into the marina so we are looking forward to lots of fun and some exercise on them. With us all back onboard and settled we decided to start the weeks adventure with a sail around Marmaris Bay, up into the old town area and then had a pleasant but unpredictable downwind trip outside Marmaris Bay. We anchored stern to in a little cove just north of Gokce Limani, we didn’t find it in our old guide book but it was a lovely spot and the bullets shooting down the bay kept missing us. We had our own anchorage for the first time in Turkey, a relaxing dinner onboard and a very peaceful night with just a slight roll.
Anchorage info: 36.45.77N 28.16.02E Dropped in 17m backed up to 7m stern lines to rocks, sheltered in settled conditions with afternoon seabreeze
Free Madonna VIP Concert Tickets included with charter

SEAGULL II is available for charter in Croatia for their low seasonal rate of €80,000/week, plus all expenses, but NO delivery fees.
This would sure brighten up a Madonna fan's day! Go for it!!!
Seagull II is a cool, classic motoryacht with some nice features...

Length: 177 feet / 54m
Guests: up to 12
Guest cabins: 7
Crew: 9
Rate: €80,000/week, plus all expenses, but NO delivery fees.
View Seagull IIs online brochure: CLICK HERE
For more information, contact Paradise Connections: CLICK HERE
Visit our web site:
NYC Claims 3 of Top Four Spots at the Manitoba Keelboat Championships
Two links for Amel Super Maramu Carre D'as IV
Please be cautious when dealing with other mariners in distress. The same principles governing helping people in distress on land (and scuba diving) should come into play - ensure you don't become a victim also.
Render assistance, just be smart and safe about it.
TransAtlantic Charter ARC 2008 with Highland Breeze - New discounted rate

Currently, Highland Breeze is the largest yacht entered in the ARC race and is definitely a contender to win this annual trans-Atlantic event. Charterers need little experience and will enjoy being an active crew member learning to sail while enjoying this superb yacht and racing across the Atlantic.


Nautor’s Swan yachts are considered the ultimate ocean-going, performance, luxury sailing yacht of unrivalled build quality.
HIGHLAND BREEZE sleeps up to 8 guests in 3 spacious cabins. Her master cabin is located aft and has a queen size bed as well as a lounge area complete with writing desk. Her master cabin also has satellite TV, DVD and video. The second and third guest cabins each have two lower twin beds along with a pullman berth. All cabins have their own private ensuite facilities, DVD player and radio system.
The ALL-INCLUSIVE rate which includes food, drinks, fuel, race entry, berths, and sailing lessons, for this popular, annual ARC rally / race has been reduced to €85,000 for a 3-week charter for up to 8 guests.
November 22 through December 13, 2008
Gran Canaria to St. Lucia
Contact Paradise Connections Yacht Charters: CLICK HERE
Visit our web site:
So, if you want a yacht charter for the ARC, consider Highland Breeze!
Or, if you do not want to charter the entire boat, perhaps you'd like to consider a cabin on the 70-foot luxury catamaran, Blue Guru: CLICK HERE for post