As we approach the Canadian Yachting Association’s 2009 Annual General Meeting we would like to draw your attention to the latest posting on the home page of CYA’s website. Along with the announcement and details about the 2009 AGM is a hyperlink to ‘Sailing’s LTAD’.
Since February 09 , the technical details in Sailing’s Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Framework have been updated and revised by a national team of sailing experts. These details align the pathways for persons to enter our sport, develop through to international racing excellence and remain active in sailing for life. As such, our updated LTAD framework is considered to be the backbone for the CYA’s strategic plan.... ‘A Renewal Strategy for Canadian Sailing ‘.
Our LTAD addresses the following:
· Renewed Sailor / Athlete Programming
· Developing Coaching Expertise for each stage of sailor development
· Establishing a Competition Structure appropriate for developmental stage and age of sailors
· Established development framework for Officials
· A strong network for Yacht & Sailing Clubs
Implementing the LTAD and renewing the Canadian Sailing System brings plans for positive change. Through the summer of 2009, members of Sailing’s stakeholder groups were nodding with approval as they were presented with the changes that LTAD implementation will bring.
Strategic Planning sessions are to begin in sessions at CYA AGM, November 20 & 21, 2009. In these weeks prior to the CYA AGM, please be sure to become informed. Here’s how:
1. Review ‘Sailing’s LTAD’ / ‘DLTA de voile’;
2. Ask questions / provide input – feedback@sailing.ca, or talk to CYA office or members of Sailing’s LTAD advisory or competition review group as listed in the presentation; and
3. Review the world-renowned principles of LTAD at www.canadiansportforlife.ca / www.sportpourlavie.ca.
We look forward to seeing you at CYA AGM in Toronto, or hearing back from you with any questions.
On behalf of the CYA Board of Directors and Staff, all the best to you through the fall season!