Join Hout Bay Yacht Club!

People join HBYC for many different reasons! Some are competitive yachtsmen who live for the racing aspect, others are weekend sailors and cruisers, and many join simply for the social aspect. HBYC is a nice venue to meet many different people from Hout Bay. The member's bar is a pleasant environment and represents excellent value for members.
The Galley is open on busy nights, and serves a good variety of food at excellent prices. See the noticeboard for current opening times.
For yachstmen, HBYC represents the perfect balance of competitive vs social sailing. The sailing fraternity is enthusiastic and also very friendly. Focus is very much on participation. The harbour is small and it takes only a few seconds to get out into the bay - which is spectacularly scenic and pleasant. During the summer months, the prevailing South-Easter flattens the sea making for exciting sailing in the fresh winds. During winter, the North-Westers are also off-shore for most of the bay which makes great inshore racing. And yet the South-Wester is the steadiest wind in the bay, especially during summer when the sea is usually very flat.
HBYC Marina offers great value as a place to keep your boat. We do not have expensive insurance fees, and rentals are reasonable. Mooring prices in the marina range from around R40k to R100k, and all are safe and satisfactory. Very good value all round as a place to keep your boat!
To join the club, please contact the Club Office.