What can you do to help?
Sign up, join with us, and stay informed at www.lowwsf.com
Since the Foundation launched its new website in mid summer, several hundred of you have signed up at www.lowwsf.com to show your support and given us your email to stay informed about the progress we are making.
In the coming year, the Foundation will be taking the message about Lake of the Woods to a broader audience to “build the parade” in support of action to sustain Lake of the Woods water quality. As Foundation Director Don Konantz noted: “Three years ago we started a parade taking the Lake to decision makers in Toronto, Ottawa, St. Paul and Washington – It’s time now for everyone who cares about the Lake to join the parade – all you have to do is sign up to join with us and stay informed at
www.lowwsf.com ”
Last year was a busy summer for the Foundation, getting the message out about our research progress and also the need to bring in the International Joint Commission to coordinate water quality research, monitoring, and development of water quality objectives and management plans across all jurisdictions of this bi-national lake and watershed.
The Foundation presented to a broad audience including at the Lake of the Woods District Property Owners Association summer meeting, the Royal Lake of the Woods Yacht Club, the Zig Zag Yacht Club, several private gatherings, municipal / county governments in Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls Ontario and Koochiching and Lake of the Woods Counties in Minnesota.