- Best performance in the 2010 Opening Cruise (Yacht faraway, with a great display of bunting on the back of the mast!)
- Most Improved Sailor (Keith Gemmell - Keith is moving Savannah around the course at ever improving times, often singlehanded, and never misses a race if he can help it!)
- Most Active Sailor (Chris Sutton - our intrepid Commodore!) Say no more.
- Winter Series 1 Megafreight, 2 Faraway, 3 Savannah, 4 Nandi.
- Shareholders Award - a new award recognising "exemplary patronage and support of the club bar over a sustained period, far beyond the call of duty, and for associated perseverance and stamina". A tightly contested award, the clear leaders emerged as Robin Parker and Alan Harrington, in a breathtaking tie. . . .
"Beyond the Call of Duty" - Jeremy Nel. The highest award HBYC has, for a member that has made a truly exceptional contribution to the club, in leadership, action and behaviour. The trophy is a priceless brass mercury barometer prominently mounted in the club house. This trophy has not been awarded for several years, but the current committee was unanimous and enthusiastic in awarding it this year to Jeremy Nel, for his outstanding contribution to the club in 2009/10. Major achievements included a total revamp of the club premises (plus the requisite fund raising!), an awesome social calendar including motorcycle breakfast runs, oyster and champagne feasts, Friday night draws, Thursday Fireside tails, three new flat screen TVs, overhaul of the downstairs function room, great assistance in sailing events (mark laying etc), new Lipton campaign for junior sailors, and most recently even running the racing bridge!! Its a fair bit of work just to type this all. Jeremy was however unable to attend this function - taking a well-earned holiday in Zimbabwe - so Pierre Albertyn was asked to receive a token bottle of bubbly on his behalf. A formal thank you will be issued imminently by the Commodore.
2010 Prizegiving
A short prizegiving was held during the Christmas Party, recognising the main achievements of our members during 2010. Briefly, these include: