Surviving in Argentina? what does that have to do with yacht security? Has the writer gone crazy?
Nope. Just acknowledging a great source of information and common sense. FerFAL's blog provides me a glimpse into life in a country where things are, shall we say, not so good. He gives some good insight into living in a troubled land, and the suggestions are worth reading.
Here are a few recent posts I found interesting.
Ear-muffs-and-headsets - if you are training with firearms, I definitely recommend their usage.
Spiritual-preparedness - not a topic I have covered, but worth considering.
Wife-does-not-buy-in - a common situation. How do you prepare/protect someone (and it may be the husband) who chooses to be not-so-aware?
Physical-fitness-and-survival - a common topic with me. The more fit you are, the better life's experiences are. No need to become a fanatic, but basic fitness will carry over to all your activities.
Shotgun-class - I am a proponent of the shotgun for vessel defense, primarily against personnel attempting to board (violently). Once on board, the close quarters normally associated with vessels will lend itself better to pistol work.
You may not agree with all he has to say, but hopefully the topics will generate a few ideas to better prepare you for the (hopefully) rare chance of becoming a victim.