Commodores Call-box

Spotted this great example of an oldish Sailor VHF in Chris's office yesterday. Its a "Sailor" VHF Radio Telephone. It reminds me of old war movies and the ICASA course notes . . .  In fact its a fully featured marine VHF, with a dual-watch function, manual squelch, and low-power option of 1W (normally the usual 25W). The round channel indicator wheel obviously predates LCD displays - certainly it won't suffer humidity like the modern LCDs. The sound is clear as a bell, and I can also say it sends a great signal as I often used to hear Chris advising the endless string of shipping to use the right channel when trying to contact port control. Note also the "telephone" handset, which is far nicer than a microphone when transmitting. These sets were manufactured in Denmark between 1975 and 1985 approx - they weigh a whopping 9 Kgs!