Atlantic Cup - Daily Updates from Nana Maria

Thursday, May 7

It is a gorgeous morning here in the Atlantic Ocean. The sun is shining, the seas are calm and we are moving along very nicely. Our hope is to be in Bermuda by the wee hours of the morning. The boys are busy rigging "Nellie’s Bag of Terror" yet again, in preparation for a wind switch to the south. The day should prove interesting... at the very least. The strategy dance has begun. Which side of the course is favored? Do we stay farther west in anticipation of the winds clocking more to the south? Or do we start heading up toward Bermuda to give us more boat speed and hope that the wind won't switch till after we arrive?

We finally saw other boats yesterday. I know that is not a big thrill for most, but after seeing nothing for the last few days, little diversions become a huge deal.

It is finally calm enough that we all are going to shower... You may be wondering why I am mentioning this? Anybody that has been out to sea knows that trying to shower in rough seas in a tiny cubicle, is a recipe for Sea Sickness, if you are so prone. Most people try to avoid it, therefore showers are calm day activities and something to look forward to. You have a tendency to seek out the simple pleasures of life on a boat. ie bathing, eating, sleeping and Ice Cream at the finish line.. and maybe a spot of bubbly or two.

Wednesday, May 6

Today is Wednesday and we have made significant catch up to the fleet. I am happy to say that we have our own secret weather router located somewhere in Gaithersburg Maryland and doing a wonder job of telling us where to go. The winds and seas are beginning to calm and the fishing line is out once again. If we don't catch a Mahi today it will be Hamburger Helper for dinner.

Tuesday, May 5

Yesterday was a mixed bag of wind.. Sometimes we had it, sometimes we did not and in the end too much. The boys were overjoyed to fly "Nellie’s Bag of Terror" and had several lessons in deployment and take down. They did it very well, I might add. Good old Nana Maria had a great start but when the wind died so did our speed. It hurt to see so many boats pass us, but now that the wind has picked up we are flying at speeds of 9 to 11 knots. Not too shabby.

We have had several glitches in equipment, but nothing that can't be fixed. Our AC fridge is not working as it should; Thank Goodness the DC side is available.

We lost yet more lures yesterday, two in total. We did manage to land a mahi-mahi on board the back deck but....... the gaff slipped out and Mrs. Mahi wiggled herself right off. Guess she did not want to be the guest of honor at dinner last night.

The really big news is that "I" was able to shower. I am so not going to be like these smelly boys....haha.

Monday, May 4

We are a few hours away from completing our first day out to sea. We have had picture perfect weather and seas. Nana Maria could use a little more wind to really get here flying but we are maintaining a steady 6 knots. This weather pattern will hold almost to Bermuda we are told.

Last night we dined on freshly caught tuna. What a treat...and the good news is that we still have more in the fridge..ummmmm While Fred and Jim were cleaning the one we caught, Rod just thru in the hook to get it out of the way and wouldn't you know another one jumped up for the hook less than 5 feet off the back of the boat.. In fact it ate my hook :( We did persevere and put ON yet another hook on which was promptly devoured by an unknown fish..I guess the old sea superstition is true. If you have Bananas on board the fish won't bite-- So this trip we have no bananas…

The morning net just finished and we are in for another light air day, It may well be a "Nellie’s Bag of Terror Day".. (aka the gennaker sail)