Visit to sail dive charter yacht, Trimaran OPUS

Yesterday, we went to visit the trimaran OPUS which is a charter yacht that has a new owner-operator.

Billy bought OPUS in May this year and we were happy to meet him and see how OPUS was doing as we haven't inspected the boat in a few years as it has been out of charter. Looking good!

Billy has lived in St Thomas for over 20 years (thought he looked familiar) and thus has excellent local knowledge for running a charter yacht. He is a dive instructor who enjoys diving (some don't!) and first mate/chef Kimberly is a dive master. We are confident that OPUS will be a successful operation as they fulfill a niche that has been increasingly ignored over the past few years...  A good, affordable multihull that offers diving and fun for 6 guests with 3 double cabins. We have plenty of "luxury" catamarans but not enough of the meat & potatoes variety :) We already have our first charter group booked on Opus! HURRAY!!!

You can see Opus' online brochure: and contact Paradise Connections Yacht Charters for more information.

While chatting with Billy aboard OPUS on his mooring in Elephant Bay, there was a nice sunset.

Then, there was this disturbing sight as the cruiseship was leaving port

They do have powerful bow thrusters... fortunately :)

Too close for MY comfort though, especially if I was that little yellow sailboat.

Contact Paradise Connections Yacht Charters to book OPUS
View Opus's online brochure
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