Cruise Week Report

Cruise week was a great success with help from Kevin Booth, Marianne and Rodney Nuttall, Dave and Connie Moyse, Bob Webb, and Lisa Phillips. A total of 21 boats registered. The weather was good and there were no severe storms. We did not make it to Timber Beach this year because of a strong head wind, but there would not have been much beach showing anyway because of the high water.

The main events were:
Hot dog and Smokie dinner at Northern Harbour
Rum Punch and appetizer party at Sanderson’s Beach
Bingo games by VHF radio
Star raft at Twin Island
Cake-baking contest with nine entries
Birthday Party for four people at Hidden Bay with Champaign and cake from the contest
Children’s party at Totem Lodge
Awards Dinner (53 people) at Totem Lodge
Back to back rafts at Barney Narrows