Frock Night 2008

Bond Night

Get out your martini glasses, Aston martins, golden guns, dinner jackets, commando gear, spy wear and Bond Girls that you all have stashed away in your boats for the Sanderson or firecracker beach party on the long week end. Weather forecast depending; it should be on Saturday evening at 5pm. Bring a bucket of gin and an olive to shake not stir. Canapes most appreciated but not chicken wings or stuff with bones in that gets thrown in the bush and eaten by hungry critters like Beenz or Sheldon Swann. Scantily clad bodies in bathing suits emerging from the water is expected as so many of our members look like Shaun Connery and Halle Berry. Looking for the Daniel Craig look a likes so that we can strap you to a chair naked and bash your privates until you disclose where the liquor is kept on your boat. High speed boat chases should start around 6 pm; helicopters arrive at 7 pm with approx 100 studly fellers landing on the beach.

Prepare to have fun or we may have to kill you…

In case you wanted to know more about Bond Girls for some ideas:
