Enhanced Security for Superyachts Against Cyber Attack

An in house merger sees two companies come together to bring an enhanced global security offering to the Monaco Yacht Show where it will be brought to the market

Selex Communications Yacht Technologies has joined forces with its sister companies within the Finmeccanica Group, who provide security, communication and defence services.  This combination of knowledge and more than a century of experience will now offer superyacht owners the same levels of security currently provided to the highest levels of Government, specialist agencies, military users and professional clients.

Speaking on behalf of the company, John Hodder, commented: “Yacht Technologies is an expert in the sourcing, implementation and integration of the most innovative superyacht technologies available in the world. This spans navigation, communication, security and entertainment systems but at this year’s show we want to showcase our enhanced security capabilities.

“Our heritage, experience and sheer buying power as a group guarantees our clients an unrivalled service. Put simply, we create the world’s most secure superyachts. Our approach is holistic, we take each client individually and identify how we can protect them and their environment. This isn’t just about technology selection but an integrated approach to detect, defend and recover.

“Due to the piracy attacks of late, most superyacht owners are very aware of the physical threats to their yacht but what they don’t seem to be quite so aware of is the very real and more likely threat of cyber attack. Many superyachts effectively act as floating offices and hold vast amounts of highly confidential data, which can be remotely hacked in a second if the infrastructure isn’t there to protect them. Unfortunately most don’t realise this until it’s too late. We want to use the show as a platform to help yacht designers, owners, captains and project managers understand the importance of security to protect assets as well as life onboard

Yacht Technologies will be officially launching this new security service on its stand in the Darse Sud tent on the first day of the show (Wednesday 22nd September 2010).