The Tot Club

Photo: Frances Howorth
A somewhat quaint if not gloriously archaic ceremony takes place at 6pm every day of the year in English Harbour Antigua.

Each evening, to signal the nominal end of the working day at 1800 hrs local time, like-minded individuals who make up the membership, gather at one of the many waterside watering holes close by,  joining together to confirm their daily allegiance and respect for the Crown by proposing the Loyal Toast to Her Majesty, The Queen.

They carry on a revered tradition, sadly ended in 1970, by consuming half a gill of the nearest equivalent to the rum, which was issued to the Royal Navy.

They provide visiting Royal naval warships with marine based leisure activities and organise entertainment for the crew in the Nelsons Dockyard area.

Over the years they have promoted and fostered friendship and goodwill in the English and Falmouth Harbour areas through a series entertainment and social services and they administer the affairs on island for the King of Redonda.