2011 AGM

Many thanks to all members who made the special effort to attend the club AGM last night. It is a vital element of the clubs processes and constitution - we can't go forward without it! Special thanks to those who drove over the mountain to attend as well.

The meeting was short and sweet - all existing incumbents on the committee will serve another year. The books and minutes were all accepted, proposed and seconded, and  a few good questions came forward. We are fortunate to announce that Alan Batley has been appointed as the "Club Services Manager" in charge of the running of the Marina (as before), but now also of the systems and infrastructure of the clubhouse. The organisation beneath Alan has been reshaped accordingly. This is a very welcome move in respect of the club organisation, as Alan has many years of professional management experience, and has served on our committee as Commodore and Treasurer on several occasions.

It was announced that the Club has been given a substantial grant from the SA Lotto funds to establish and promote an active development sailing programme. Much detail still to be clarified. This is thanks to the joint efforts of Jeremy Nel and Keith Coleman! Watch that space.

Commodore rang the bell upstairs and we had a very pleasant evening of it!