Accounting Help for Superyacht Captains

Photograph Frances Howorth
Ask any superyacht Captain what he would most like help with, as he goes about running his yacht and chances are, he will say; accountancy.

The fact is Captains are trained as seamen and not as the managing directors of small companies which is effectively describes the jobs they have to do.

Recognising what he perceives is a gap in the superyacht support services market.
Duncan McAuslin who has in the past served as crew aboard these yachts has set up
Superyacht Accounting Services Limited a yacht specific, bespoke, book-keeping support and solutions company, which helps ensure the Superyacht Captain is informed with prompt, comprehensive, real-time, on-time, financial information & reports.

He is particularly keen to address the matters that are typically raised by captains & owners and highlighted in yacht magazines, and on blog forums.

Superyacht Accounting Services Limited will provide online, 24/7 assistance with processing and preparing the yacht’s accounting routines and extensive financial reports, to ensure that:
  • Captain and crew are financially aware, financially articulate and professionally assisted and supported. 
  • Owner’s concerns regarding: financial transparency, audit, accountability and financial control are addressed.
  • The yacht’s financial systems, processes and controls are comparable to those of a successful, modern commercial company.
  • Improved time management for Captain affording him the chance to re-assess and refocus crew workload priorities and allocation/s.
  • Change in emphasis of Captains role from number crunching, bean counting & financial spade work duties to more involvement with planning, controlling, managing, supervising, reviewing, reacting and informing on maritime, crew and other matters.
  • Comprehensive financial reports are of assistance during yard refits, the sale of the yacht, insurance, tax & port authority support.